Thursday, March 26, 2009

By The Time

...I get around to posting anything here, most
everything I thought I wanted to say either
doesn't matter anymore or I just don't have the
energy or need to say it.

Yesterday, when I had Molly outside in the back
yard to do her business, I noticed that one of the
daffodils I planted two years ago had this deep
orange center. It was the color of free range
chicken yolks. Free range from my friend who
had chickens for a few years. She brought me
dozens of eggs, whose shells ranged from speckled
turquoise to light brown. I was apprehensive about
eating them with a yolk so orange. But they were
good--intense, but good. So I thought about her
and I thought about my brother's significant other
who sent those bulbs to me for my birthday in 07.
And I thought how little I try or make an effort
to stay in touch with my siblings now.

There is a disturbance in the force, which is not
always a bad thing.

So, I read some Kay Ryan last night. About 15 poems.
I liked one of them. I may post it soon.

Work is good. I like what I do. I like my coworkers.

I finally had a response on my other blog from a long
time poetry and blog friend. I am most grateful
and will probably send her a personal email.

I guess I figure I really don't have anything to post
or to say to anyone these days. I keep most of what
I am thinking inside. I spend time with friends--
old and new--and am enjoying that. I talk but
sometimes I just gab. Which is ok. I am me.
I can talk shop with the best of the shoptalkers,
and I can relate to those who don't know how
or don't aspisre to talk shop.

I am falling out of love with Annie Dillard. I was
digging For The Time Being, and then it hit me
that Annie is a rich, educated, white out of touch
with my reality person, and I grew disenchanted,
which is not a bad thing. I don't have her on a pedestal
any longer. I don't know whether she would like
to have been there anyway.

The teracotta army is of interest to me. Don't know
why I never knew about it until I was reading Dillard's

That's all.

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