Thursday, August 27, 2009

I know

that no one can help me through this. I get through
it all or die. I see how death takes those whose hearts
are so broken, whose worlds are turned upside
down, who feel they have no purpose left.

Being melodramatic, but I am distraught and sad beyond
expectation or necessity or an acceptable level. It's, perhaps,
another way I sabotage me.

I ran over my 11 1/2 yr old cat two days ago. Just after burying
him and returning to work (as if I could work), I got a call that
my son, daughter-in-law and grandson were in a car accident
in Evansville (about an hour from here). They are going to be
fine, thank god. The car is totaled, son has a broken collar bone,
son and daughter in law both hurting and bruised, my darling little
Isaac is just fine.

But I can't not hear that thump under the wheel, see him running
herky jerky int the neighbor's yard, watch him take his last breath.
I can't get that outof my head. I can't stand to go to the door and
not find him there, waiting to come in to talk to me a bit and have
a bite to eat. I am so heartbroken.

Youngest is now off to school. The house is so quiet. Husband is
going to be gone for 11 days. Could not come at a worse time.

I need some help. I just don't know what kind of help.


Jo A. T.B. said...

Dear Sweet Maggie,

I can't imagine how you feel, but your name says it all UNSINKABLE. You'll pick yourself up and go on!

I felt that same way, like death was overtaking me. When my cat died at almost 17, I went out and got another cat from the shelter.

My cat is my lifeline to staying here in this life, his love unconditional. I knew my Delilah dog was old, and she died 1 year after I got my new cat! OP was so sick when I got him, that I vowed to protect him. He is an inside cat, and I won't let nothing harm him even today! Plus we have a few feral ones around, and they would fight!

Accidents happen, don't blame yourself. Many cats don't live to be that old! There's many waiting at a shelter near you, just waiting for your love. When you're ready of course!

Big hugs and don't let this incident pull you down even further into your sadness!

LKD said...

Oh, Maggie.

I'm sitting here with my mouth open staring at the screen.

I don't know what to say. It seems like anything I could or would say would be wrong or inept.

Oh, Maggie.

To say that I'm sorry doesn't begin to cover how shocked and saddened I am by this news, nor how I wish there was something I could say beyond those words that we all say when someone or something we love dies, "I'm so sorry for your loss."

My heart aches for you.

The Unsinkable said...

Jo & Laurel,

I am sitting here, alone, staring at this screen. A friend has been here for several hours (did some kind of healing work on my body as I lay there on my dining room table--must have helped as I wanted to go to sleep). She's gone now. Molly, Oreo, and I are here. We are helping each other.

I know I will relive that day over and over and over, and maybe, at some point, I won't feel so lost and helpless and confused and shattered.

I took Dante to the vet about a month ago for his rabies shot and to just ask if they felt he needed any blood work. He had only lost 1/2 pound. He was in fine form (hissing at the vet), and really just wanted to go home. The vet said his body was just redefining itself (that's why he looked thin), and that he was old and had earned his right to do what he wanted to do.

I'm sorry. Gotta stop there. Thank you both for just being present and for sending your thoughts my way. Oh my. Oh my.

And, my children and grandchild are on the mend. So much to be grateful for.